Crystal Properties

Crystal Properties


Afghan Jade

  • Afghan jade can help balance areas of your body and energy around you
  • Jade is a confidence booster and assist your spiritual journey
  • Green Jade is not only calming and healing to the nervous system, but it also emits healing energy into the liver, bladder, gallbladder, and kidneys
  • Helps you harness powerful healing energy that works to create an energetic and protective shield around the body.
  • cheerful and energetic stone that helps break up negative heavy energies that could weigh you down or affect your mood

Agate- Crazy Lace

  • Crazy lace agate is referred to as the “laughter stone” or “happy lace”
  • It’s a balancing and protecting stone
  • Believed to ward off the “evil eye,” bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain
  • Stone of laughter and good fortune
  • A stone of strength and courage
  • Crazy Lace Agate is said to be helpful for overcoming fears and worries
  • Helpful in decision-making
  • Its energy is said to be uplifting and joyful
  • Helps with creative endeavors
  • Believed to radiate positive vibes and promote joy into your live
  • Happiness
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Creativity
  • Good Fortune
  • Positive Energy
  • It gets its name from the intricate, wavy patterns that run through it and if you’re looking to add a little creativity and positive energy into your life this is the stone to help

 Agate – blue lace agate

  • Soothes an overactive mind and calms nerves. 
  • Great for the throat chakra.
  • This is a soothing and nurturing stone that will bring you calmness and peace of mind
  • Excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties. 
  • Alleviates anger and nervous tension
  • Good stone to wear or carry when you need to calm down and reassess a difficult situation. 
  • It can help you find the right words for the situation, and it allows you to speak your mind in a way that will be well portrayed. 
  • Great for public speaking and teachers. Helps your voice be heard and the message translated well.
  • excellent stone for meditation and contemplation.
  • The calming and soothing energy of this stone can help to clear away negative thoughts and emotions, and to promote a sense of peace and calm. It can be especially helpful for those who tend to worry or have a lot of stress in their lives. 
  • Blue Lace Agate can also promote feelings of self-acceptance and forgiveness, which can be helpful in releasing negative emotional blockages.

Agate- Iris

  • Iris Agate has meaning and properties to increase execution power. 
  • It is a gemstone to give “courage” and “confidence” necessary for progress. It will gain the strength to make a thing happen and be executed.
  • Helps you combat laziness, lack of drive and get the motivation to conquer the obstacle
  • l that nurtures your soul allowing positive energy to flow and radiate as love.

*Angel Aura Quartz:

  • Angel Aura Quartz, also known as Aura Lite, is the name given to Quartz that undergoes extreme heat and is then coated with a special blend of metals such as Platinum, Titanium, Gold, and/or Silver. 
  • This crystal creates a protective shield around your aura. 
  • The soothing energy of this beautiful stone brings serenity, inner peace, mental clarity, and calm. 
  • Angel Aura Quartz has healing effects on all levels of the being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
  • Awakens the psychic abilities, cleanses and balances the chakras, cleanses and strengthens the aura, aids in communication with spirit guides and angels.
  • Awakens empathy, optimism, and compassion
  • brings understanding on a deeper level
  • enhances memory, creativity, and intelligence
  • awakens peace of mind and mental clarity
  • it can help us be open to fresh ideas and concepts
  • Angel Aura Quartz is great to work with when we feel overwhelmed by intense negative emotions. It helps lessen experiences with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks by restoring inner peace and balance.
  •  It helps mental health and increases our mental strength.
  • regenerates and restores the physical vitality
  • boosts your immune system
  • helps with digestive problems
  • It can gently assist us to find the strength to release what no longer serves us and experience complete healing on all levels.
  • Crystal collectors and those who work with crystals for spiritual growth will benefit from this crystal’s healing energy as well
  • Angel Aura Quartz Crystal is a powerful aura cleanser, it is used by energy healers to align and cleanse the chakras

Angel Aura Rose Quartz:

  • Angel Aura Quartz, also known as Aura Lite, is the name given to Quartz that undergoes extreme heat and is then coated with a special blend of metals such as Platinum, Gold, and Silver. 
  • Nourishes you with self-love, love for life, a sense of romance and increased compassion for others.
  • It eases pain
  • Transforms energies in and around the home & calms nerves
  • Heals the heart space, allows for flowing and easy communication


  • It’s known as the “gambler’s stone,” encouraging good luck and fortune
  • Gentle soothing stone that promotes healing
  • Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system
  • Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love.
  • Helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view.
  •  It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.
  •  Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system. 
  • Amazonite assists in manifesting universal love.
  • For perfectionists, hope, and learning to let go
  • Aides in health by releasing traumas
  • Clears aggravation and worries


  • 3rd Eye crystal & crown chakra 
  • Amethyst helps open your 3rd eye 
  • Great for new Psychics and Mediums learning their gifts
  • They help your meditations become more clear and detailed
  • The third eye is considered to be a source of power and wisdom
  • Promote good rest and help with sleep issues
  • Enhance or sharpen spiritual visions and enlightenment
  • Believed to absorb negative energy in a space to promote a peaceful environment and tranquility
  • Help alleviate stress and promote relaxation
  • Helps ease away anxiety 
  • Enhances spiritual enlightenment

Amethyst- Royal

  • Not treated with heat like most amethyst is. This is high quality Amethyst that’s in its natural form and supposed to carry a strong vibration because of that.
  • Royal Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. 
  • It also acts as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attack, geopathic stress, and unhealthy environments.
  • Helps with slowing a busy mind down and promotes a peaceful mind

Amethyst – Moroccan

  • Symbolizes balance and harmony that is achieved through spiritual evolution and growth. 
  • Amethyst is known as a protection stone.  It can protect one from physical and mental negativity in their environment.  
  • It can also assist in strengthening the immune system.
  •  Amethyst is a strong vibrational stone for the third eye and crown chakra as it transmutes negative energy into love. 
  • The moroccan amethyst has a softer, lighter energetic feel

Amethyst -Green 

  • Helps with aligning your mind. Body, and spirit
  • Helps with moving forward with your Spiritual growth by activating your heart 
  • Brings a calm and peace
  • Helps with generosity
  • Growth
  • Health
  • Deep healing 
  • Cleansing your heart chakra
  • Brings awareness in and helps boost your psychic abilities


  • Blue apatite is connected to the throat chakra & heart chakra
  • It enhances communication in groups and facilitates great public speaking. 
  • Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future, activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. 
  • Apatite will stimulate the intellect
  • Great Crystal for those who are starting new projects or entrepreneurs who need a clear vision. Helps you look at things through a higher perspective.
  • Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra and  enhances communication
  • Connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
  • Great Crystal for those who are starting new projects or entrepreneurs who need a clear vision. Helps you look at things through a higher perspective.
  • It helps a lot for those who teach or guide other through communication
  • It heals the heart and emotions
  • Connects you to a higher level of spiritual guidance


  • Green Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals.
  • It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity.
  • It stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. 
  • It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others. 
  • Green Apatite is a connection crystal of the heart. It communicates wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart.
  • helpful in overcoming difficulties when bringing one’s vision to reality.
  • Green Apatite stimulates the flow of energy on the physical plane and can be used as an abundance stone for spiritual and financial manifestation.
  • Allows one to replenish energy for the physical heart and to channel healing energies back to the Earth.
  • Green Apatite is an excellent stone for those recovering from a long illness or emotional pain as it stimulates hope and courage while working through obstacles.
  • Green Apatite supports healing with the energies of renewal and vitality. Green Apatite is helpful for those who have heart problems.


  • Astrophyllite known as the firework crystal for it flash patterns
  • signifies progress and progress along your journey through life
  • Brings in self-knowledge with the positive use of personal power
  • Helps detoxify on the spiritual and energetic level
  • It will invigorate and motivate you to make changes. Astrophyllite is a lovely gemstone to provide you the strength to get around a breaking moment in time if you are undecided. 
  • You will gain strength and good thoughts into your existence 
  • Helps break free of mental shackles that bound you. 
  • Helps with past life progression and Karmic healing
  • Helps you control impulses so you act from a higher perspective
  • Astrophyllite infuses you with heavenly brightness and great vibes
  • It enables you to embrace the unpleasant areas of development and push through
  • lovely gemstone for those who are struggling to make judgments concerning their destiny due to mistakes they’ve made previously. Good for cleansing your digestive issues, reproductive issues, and help with detox
  • Stone that illuminates the true self and infuses the entire system with light
  • I see this Crystal as a battery pack helps you recharge and reset


  • Aquamarine is a stone of empowerment. 
  • Connected to throat chakra and zodiac sign Pisces
  • It helps in the realization that not all power comes from force. 
  • Promotes truthful and compassionate communication. 
  • Provides courage to express their inner knowing
  • Enhances  intuitive abilities
  • Helps dispel the emotional numbness and difficulty experienced in communicating their feelings.


Aventurine- Green

  • Comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love later in life. 
  • It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success. 
  • Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it, and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.

Aventurine- Yellow

  • The stone also represents prosperity, balance, creativity, optimism, calmness, and self-reflection.
  •  It is often associated or linked with the solar plexus chakra

*Azurite Malachite

  • Known as the “stone of heaven” is commonly believed to provide insight into all areas of life by assisting intuition and creativity.
  • This stone helps your communication come smoothly with love and compassion
  • connect with the spiritual realm, and to access information that is hidden from view
  • Helps with releasing your release negative emotions and to find inner peace
  • Great for assisting your spiritual communication and connections
  • Promotes change and growth within
  • Helps with awakening ones psychic & mediumship abilities
  • Helps one recognize their own intuitive gifts and expand them
  • Great for cleansing your chakras to align you for your higher purpose


*Black moonstone

  • Black moonstone help protect our emotional body with vibrations clearing out unwanted energy in our space
  • Helps you clear your head to see around toxic things and remain positive
  • Helps you make positive changes to your life by reflecting on things in a healthy way and inspires growth
  • Helps protect against narcissistic energy clinging to our field
  • Spiritual: Black Moonstone evokes the Goddess and the energy of the Dark Moon, a time for personal reflection, spiritual mystery, and deep psychic power. 
  • Black Moonstone can help us to sort through our emotions and deeply ingrained beliefs and understand them better.

*Black tourmaline

  • It’s the bodyguard stone that provides protection and elimination of negative energy. 
  • The Black Tourmaline crystal properties work like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it.
  • Through absorbing negativity, the stone can prevent unwanted energy from entering your home, mind, body, or spirit.
  • Black Tourmaline crystal is also a key component in everyday cleansing rituals and can help to release any unwanted energy already stored in your energy field. 
  • Good for grounding your house if you have a very active house. Place in the yard in all 4 corners of your house. Above windows and doorways.

Blood Stone

  • Powerful healing stone 
  • Heightens your intuition and creativity
  • Grounding and protection stone
  • Clears negative energy
  • Stimulates dreams
  • Helps you regain balance in your body and heal misaligned areas
  • Revitalizes the mind
  • Assists you in adjusting to changes and new beginnings
  • Helps open your path for better options and opportunities

Blue Apatite:

  • Blue apatite is connected to the throat chakra & heart chakra
  • It enhances communication in groups and facilitates great public speaking.
  • Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future, activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. 
  • Apatite will stimulate the intellect
  • Great Crystal for those who are starting new projects or entrepreneurs who need a clear vision. Helps you look at things through a higher perspective.
  • Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra and  enhances communication
  • Connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
  • Great Crystal for those who are starting new projects or entrepreneurs who need a clear vision. Helps you look at things through a higher perspective.
  • It helps a lot for those who teach or guide other through communication
  • It heals the heart and emotions
  • Connects you to a higher level of spiritual guidance

Blue Calcite:

  • Blue Calcite is a very powerful stone when it comes to soothing and relaxing the emotional body. This stone is known to calm emotions and offers mental and etheric protection. 
  • Helps your dreams become more vivid so you can remember more details
  • Works well with the throat chakra sparking creativity and speaking your truth
  • Known to help the 3rd eye chakra
  • Powerful psychic empowerment crystal that helps open up your abilities even further
  • Great for helping you find motivation to get in tune with your goals.

*Blue Lace Agate

  • Soothes an overactive mind and calms nerves. 
  • Great for the throat chakra.
  • This is a soothing and nurturing stone that will bring you calmness and peace of mind
  • Excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties. 
  • Alleviates anger and nervous tension
  • Good stone to wear or carry when you need to calm down and reassess a difficult situation. 
  • It can help you find the right words for the situation, and it allows you to speak your mind in a way that will be well portrayed. 
  • Great for public speaking and teachers. Helps your voice be heard and the message translated well.
  • excellent stone for meditation and contemplation.
  • The calming and soothing energy of this stone can help to clear away negative thoughts and emotions, and to promote a sense of peace and calm. It can be especially helpful for those who tend to worry or have a lot of stress in their lives. 
  • Blue Lace Agate can also promote feelings of self-acceptance and forgiveness, which can be helpful in releasing negative emotional blockages.

*Blue Tigers Eye:

  • Very soothing stone. It aids in reducing stress and anxiety while increasing a calm, peaceful feeling. A gleaming Tigers Eye in shades of blues and grays, Hawk’s Eye can help illuminate issues that may have been difficult for us to see.
  • Physically, Blue Tiger Eye encourages emotional balance, aids in fatigue and depression, cools an overactive sex drive, and heals on a metabolic level. It can also alleviate eye problems that deal with the inability to focus.
  • Works with your 3rd eye area and clears your mind’s eye.

*Blue Quartz:

  • Alleviates fear and enhances creativity and expression. 
  • Throat chakra crystal aides in communication. 
  • uplifting stone which can aid to lift depression and restore hope, happiness and peace.
  • Blue Quartz is associated with the water signs that help influence you with the nurturing support of Cancer, the emotional drive of Scorpio, and the intuitive sensitivity of Pisces.

*Brazilian Amethyst:

  • Brazilian amethyst specimens are the most prized form of quartz, which occur in crystal form and are found in a large range of shapes, cuts and hues. 
  • Brazilian amethyst is the rich purple variety of quartz and was classified as one of the precious gems.
  • Brazilian amethyst heals all levels of the mind, body and spirit. Brazilian amethyst is often associated with peace and tranquility. 
  • Brazilian amethyst relieves the strain in our mind. Brazilian amethyst has been associated with the ability to transform lower energies into higher energies. Brazilian amethyst works as a healer of mind, spirit and body.
  • Brazilian amethyst can be used to get rid of alcohol, drugs or other kinds of addiction. Brazilian amethyst, apart from being the beautiful charming gemstone, is also known as a powerful and effective stone which brings change in the person, internally and externally.



  • Associated with the solar plexus, self confidence and hope.
  • It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. 
  • Powerful cleanser and amplifier of energy
  • Having Calcite in a room will clear it of all negative energies
  • If you’re moving into a new home or office, place calcite around the space to give it a thorough energetic cleansing before moving in


  • Caribbean Blue Calcite activates one’s mind which helps to channel their own unique psychic abilities aiding in elevating consciousness. 
  • Aiding in developing inner vision and clairvoyance, it can help one be more sensitive to the thoughts of others while enhancing telepathy and communication.

Calcite- Pink

  • Powerful cleanser and amplifier of energy
  • Calcite-pink helps you develop deep, unwavering compassion for yourself and others.
  • Helps bring loving energy your way
  • Helps in difficult relationships by helping you see things from a different perspective and enhances understanding
  • The stone helps you connect to unconditional love for all
  • Helps your heart grow and inspires deep love and compassion for others
  • Great stone for works of service, charity, and selfless acts.
  • Pink Calcite helps you develop deep, unwavering compassion for yourself and others

Calcite- Yellow

  • It is associated with the solar plexus, self confidence and hope
  • . It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. 
  • Yellow Calcite specifically is a clearer of accumulated self doubt, giving you the opportunity for a clean emotional slate.


  • Sacral chakra balancing crystal
  • A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. 
  • It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, and motivates for success
  • Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind
  • It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions
  • This works well for your sacral chakra and energy trapped in that area. Even sexual abuse that happened in the past. This helps you to free yourself from the energy that may be causing a blockage.

Celestite -Stone of Angelic Communication

  • Celestite is often associated with divine power and is thought to increase understanding, higher consciousness, as well as mindfulness when used in meditation and prayer.
  • Helps you connect to the Angelic Realm easily for clear communication with the other side
  • Powerful crystal for Mediums and new mediums. This is one that helps open up your senses and connection to the other side further. 
  • Helping messages and communication to flow smoothly from the other side
  • Celestite is a powerful stone for gaining and maintaining inner peace. It has a very calming effect, and can help to quiet the mind and create a sense of tranquility.
  • Celestite is also said to encourage spiritual growth, and can be used as an aid for meditation and prayer. Celestite can help to connect you with your higher self and with the spiritual realm.
  • Celestite is the perfect crystal to have around when you need to cool down fiery emotions and make decisions without emotional bias.
  • How to use: place a large piece of this stone on your desk or in your bedroom for long-term effects, or carry a small tumbled stone with you for immediate relief from stress and anxiety. We also suggest placing a piece of Celestite next to your bedside so you can better channel its energies while you sleep.


  • Charoite is a stone of deep transformation and love.
  • Charoite is full of emotional healing & spiritual strength helping us navigate the world in our best form
  • Life shifting crystal  that helps you to let go of negative energy and to practice being present in life
  • Charoite helps you to cut through the noise
  • It helps you to live in your highest sense of authenticity too
  • A balancer of body, mind, and spirit

Clear Quartz:

  • Amplifying crystal
  • Crown chakra crystal
  • To protect against negativity
  • This white crystal is considered a “master healer.” 
  • It’s said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it.
  • Aides in concentration and memory. 
  • Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.

Clear Quartz -Phantoms

  • Phantom Quartz is the perfect companion for someone looking to assimilate the past and learn from emotional turmoil.

  •  It reminds you that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

  •  Life moves on, and there’s a lot to learn from the suffering you endure.

  • Phantom Quartz meaning represents the concepts of universal awareness and the overall cyclical nature of life.

  • This crystal is a powerful healer that can pull you up from the deepest pits of despair, ensuring that you don’t wallow in self-pity too long. 

  • Phantom Quartz is a prime example of the kind of beauty that can come from emotional challenges. Like the ghost-like inclusions of this healing crystal, your past is a big part of who you are, but you can always continue to grow

  • Emotional healing is where Phantom Quartz shines the brightest

  • All about growth, maturity, and self-esteem.

  • Many healers turn to this crystal to help induce post-traumatic growth. This is a phenomenon that encourages people to mature after experiencing emotional suffering. Think of it as the scientific term for “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”


    • This is the happy good luck stone to bring in the new
    • Solar plexus chakra
    • Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity, and success
    • Raises self-esteem and self-confidence
    • Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect.
    • Brings on joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm
    • Promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression.
    • Enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind.
    • It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. 
    • Promotes Emotionally balance 
    • Abundance crystal to help manifest when you desire a certain outcome
    • Sparks excitement and creativity 
    • Great for manifesting a job or financial abundance
    • Great for manifesting your wants, abundance, and financial gain.
    • Helps manifest new opportunities and obtaining goals
  • Energizes you and the space it’s in

Crazy Lace Agate

  • Crazy lace agate is referred to as the “laughter stone” or “happy lace”
  • It’s a balancing and protecting stone
  • Believed to ward off the “evil eye,” bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain
  • Stone of laughter and good fortune
  • A stone of strength and courage
  • Crazy Lace Agate is said to be helpful for overcoming fears and worries
  • Helpful in decision-making
  • Its energy is said to be uplifting and joyful
  • Helps with creative endeavors
  • Believed to radiate positive vibes and promote joy into your live
  • Happiness
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Creativity
  • Good Fortune
  • Positive Energy
  • It gets its name from the intricate, wavy patterns that run through it and if you’re looking to add a little creativity and positive energy into your life this is the stone to help

Chrysocolla Fluorite -Phoenix stone AKA  (green & white)

  • Blue, white & green stone and is a combination of Malachite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla. 
  • Spiritually joins the heart and throat chakras. 
  • Balances Yin & Yang energies
  • Encourages telepathy between soulmates
  • It provides courage & emotional strength
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Dispels fears
  • Helps keep feelings such as hate and anger away
  • Helps with finding forgiveness


*Dalmatian Jasper

  • Dalmatian Jasper reconnects us with our playful nature, it balances Yin and Yang and aligns the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies
  • It is helpful in overcoming depression, nightmares and negative thinking.



*Fire Quartz- Red hematite:

  • Helps release anger and break up tension in the body
  • helps boundary building and brings the nervous system into alignment
  • Emotionally and mentally, the hematite inclusions repel and remove negativity, provide optimism, will and courage. 
  • Produces physical energy and vitality. 
  • Spiritually, the red hematite energizes our etheric body and kundalini, balances yin-yang energies.
  • If you’re doing past life work this is the stone that you want to work with for that.
  • Especially helpful for those wanting more control over their energy. Clears away anxiety, mental distractions, fear, and doubt
  • Helpful for those with ADD and ADHD. Helps with grounding and balance when feeling scattered.
  • Psychic protection stone that assists in igniting your inner fire and connection
  • Fire quartz is a stone of courage, assisting you with the will to take action. It inspires confidence and strength, especially when you need to face difficult situations or make important decisions.
  • Helps you get through the tough times by bringing inspiration
  • A powerful Tool for Courage & Action
  • Fire Quartz is also an energy cleanser, removing old, stagnant energies from the body, and clearing away mental fog. 
  • Fire Quartz is an excellent stone to use in meditation. It stimulates energy flow, helping one access inner wisdom and intuition.
  • Fire Quartz is one of the most powerful energy stones available. Its energy is associated with the root chakra and sacral chakra. Fire Quartz is a stone of transformation, and it can help one face change and transformation

*Flower Agate

  • Flower Agate helps us reach our highest potential by protecting us from fears and self-doubt. 
  • Perfect stone for entrepreneurs hoping to grow and flourish their business, or for those starting a new endeavor in their lives.
  • Flower Agate inspires us to manifest and nurture our dreams. 
  • Its energy ignites a passion to pursue dreams & live life to the fullest
  • Restore emotional balance
  • Helps bring inner peace and confidence needed to recharge our passion
  • Grounding stone that helps you get back on the right path to joy


  • Helps with truth and your consciousness
  • A protection stone
  • Brings in positivity into your life
  • Helps with Mediumship connections and absorbing high vibrations
  • It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress
  • An excellent learning aide
  • Fluorite increases our powers of concentration
  • Helps self-confidence and decision-making
  • Green Fluorite is a stone of growth and renewal helping us to connect with nature and align with the natural order of the universe. 
  • A Heart Chakra crystal
  • Green Fluorite helps to heal heartache, past trauma and emotional wounds enabling us to open our hearts to love
  • is a stone of growth and renewal helping us to connect with nature and align with the natural order of the universe
  • Improves balance and coordination

Fluorite -Phoenix stone AKA Chrysocolla  (green & white)

  • Blue, white & green stone and is a combination of Malachite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla. 
  • Spiritually joins the heart and throat chakras. 
  • Balances Yin & Yang energies
  • Encourages telepathy between soulmates
  • It provides courage & emotional strength
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Dispels fears
  • Helps keep feelings such as hate and anger away
  • Helps with finding forgiveness


  • Fuchsite assists in the process of clearing/healing the various levels of consciousness
  • helping to achieve mental, emotional balance, and tranquility, 
  • Helps you find a deepened sense of compassion, understanding and acceptance
  • The energy of Fuchsite when combined with other crystals will intensify energies combined


*Garden Quartz 

  • The stone stimulates the creative mind
  • sharpens your awareness of your destiny & life path
  • encourages your inner dreamer.
  • Garden Quartz is the stone of fairytale dreams as it often inspires you to pursue your heart’s desires and find greater happiness in your life.


  • Very gentle but powerful calming energy that can enhance and solidify feelings especially when connected to love and passion, enabling clarity of true feelings.
  • It also enhances creativity in artistic, business and practical areas.
  • find yourself stuck in a rut , then girasol can help  motivation return and restart your interests.
  • In physical healing Girasol is said to be helpful for diabetes, immune system imbalances and chronic fatigue.

*Green Apatite

  • Green Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals.
  •  It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. 
  • It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others. 
  • Green Apatite is a connection crystal of the heart. It communicates wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart, balancing one to the other, and is helpful in overcoming difficulties when bringing one’s vision to reality.
  •  Green Apatite stimulates the flow of energy on the physical plane and can be used as an abundance stone, for spiritual and financial manifestation, as well as connecting with the electromagnetic field of the planet. It allows one to replenish energy for the physical heart and to channel healing energies back to the Earth.
  • Green Apatite is an excellent stone for those recovering from a long illness or emotional pain as it stimulates hope and courage while working through obstacles.
  • Green Apatite supports healing with the energies of renewal and vitality. Green Apatite is helpful for those who have heart problems.

*Garnierite or Green moonstone:

  • Heart chakra stone
  • A stone of the stone of “The earth and heavens”
  • Garnierite strikes a unique balance of grounding properties and ethereal connection. 
  • It is grounding and sparks creativity and ingenuity. 
  • Garnierite is also considered a stone of serendipity or ‘luck’ bringing positive change and growth

*Golden Rutile

  • Golden Rutile links you to the Divine line of energy energizing your chakras.
  • They help strengthen your motivation and willpower.
  • Attunes you to your Divine purpose and connects you to the spiritual realm.
  • It also helps in filtering negative energies and removing any barriers to spiritual growth, cleansing and energizing your body, mind, and soul.
  • Golden rutilated quartz can help clear out any energy blockages of all chakras, energizing them and stimulating the alignment of your body and mind.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz is a beautiful combination bringing together the attunement, and acceleration of Rutile with the amplification of Clear Quartz or the grounding and strengthening influence of Smoky Quartz.
  • This is an excellent crystal for manifestation and is highly programmable.
  • Ability to magnify and amplify the intention you ask it to carry
  • Magnifies the energy of practically any intention or affirmation, with energy vibrating along the Rutile threads like electricity through wires.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz quickens the process of manifestation, intuition, emotional healing, psychic opening, consciousness expansion, and inter-dimensional travel. 
  • It assists us in attuning to our Higher Self and helps us know if someone or situation is not serving us.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz grounds Light energy on the cellular level, illuminating our everyday lives, and assists in our attunement to the flow of graceful and divine action. 
  • Activates our creative energy and ability to receive celestial inspiration and spiritual knowledge.
  • Golden rutilated quartz is a very powerful healing crystal as they carry angelic and etheric vibrations that can help connect you with ethereal beings. 

*Green Fluorite

  • A Heart Chakra crystal
  • Green Fluorite is a stone of growth and renewal helping us to connect with the energy of nature 
  • Helps align you with the natural order of the universe. 
  • Helps to heal heartache, past trauma and emotional wounds enabling us to open our hearts to love.

*Green Moss Agate

  • Heart chakra crystal
  • It is a stone of new beginnings
  • Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. 
  • Helps reduce sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. 
  • It attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem

*Green Opal

  • Heart Chakra crystal
  • Self-soothing crystal to help hyper emotional times. It helps by calming your mind and energy down which helps calm your emotions.
  • Green Opal is a stone that’s all about the heart.
  • Provides nourishing and rejuvenating energies to anyone struggling with emotional heartache. 
  • This is the stone that helps us get back to being our stronger self.
  • It’s a perfect stone for anyone who may have gone through recent trauma or grief, the dissolution of a relationship, or a hurtful disagreement.
  • Considered a cleansing and rejuvenating stone
  • Great for supporting health, prosperity, and abundance. 
  • Great for grounding your emotional energy. 
  • Green opal carries both wood and water energies.
  • Great for grounding. 

*Green Apatite

  • Green Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals.
  • It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity.
  • It stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. 
  • It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others. 
  • Green Apatite is a connection crystal of the heart. It communicates wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart.
  • helpful in overcoming difficulties when bringing one’s vision to reality.
  • Green Apatite stimulates the flow of energy on the physical plane and can be used as an abundance stone for spiritual and financial manifestation.
  • Allows one to replenish energy for the physical heart and to channel healing energies back to the Earth.
  • Green Apatite is an excellent stone for those recovering from a long illness or emotional pain as it stimulates hope and courage while working through obstacles.
  • Green Apatite supports healing with the energies of renewal and vitality. Green Apatite is helpful for those who have heart problems.

*Green Aventurine 

  • Comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love later in life. 
  • It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success. 
  • Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it, and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.



  • Dissolves negativity in all forms, particularly useful during healing to ground high vibrational states
  • Transmutes negativity to loving energy
  • Hematite assists mental functioning, memory and development. 
  • Rainbow Hematite calms the mind and instills deep inner peace.
  • Raises consciousness and vibration, enabling clairaudient communication and linking into the angelic realm.


  • Helps you lowers anxiety and calms your spirit
  • Relieves frustration and anger 
  • Perfect for inspiration, creative expression, and expansion
  • Helps you step into alignment with wisdom
  • Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. 
  • This is the stone to use when studying for an exam or to gain help soaking in knowledge
  • Howlite calms communication and encourages emotional expression
  • Helps with obtaining goals and being ambitious in life
  • Strengthens memory
  • Helps with patience eliminating anger and frustration


Indigo Gabbro:

  • It is believed that using a merlinite stone attracts teachers, visitors or other clear messages into your dreams and meditations
  • excellent stone for intuitive learning and connecting with higher consciousness. 
  • Indigo gabbro metaphysical properties are also said to help with past life regression.

*Iris Agate

  • Iris Agate has meaning and properties to increase execution power. 
  • It is a gemstone to give “courage” and “confidence” necessary for progress. It will gain the strength to make a thing happen and be executed.
  • Helps you combat laziness, lack of drive and get the motivation to conquer the obstacle
  • l that nurtures your soul allowing positive energy to flow and radiate as love.   



Jade- Green

Jade- White

  • Ability to mellow down your thoughts, emotions, and actions
  • Helps rid you of negative energies and thoughts
  • It’s a stone that helps bring peace, serenity, and luck
  • Aides in helping you make good decision


Jasper- Red Jasper

  • Red Jasper is one of the best stones for grounding.
  • Directly connected to the root chakra
  • Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone. 
  • It can neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. 
  • Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy. 
  • Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations.
  • Red Jasper is the highly grounded stone connected to native energy and mother Gaia 
  • Helpful in healing and recovering from trauma experiences
  • Red Jasper is a stone of empowerment and courage
  • Brings strength to help you stand in your power and not be dominated over by others

Jasper -Green Banded Jasper

  • Strengthens one’s connection to the Earth and the spiritual wisdom and sacredness of life that exists in nature.
  •  It encourages one to celebrate moments of beauty in the ordinary and the extraordinary, and to find harmony within the self, and with others. 
  • Through meditation and dream work, Jasper can provide a connection with Earth’s ancient past and allows one to retrieve spiritual knowledge for use in the present to help heal humanity and the planet.

*Jasper- Polychrome

  • Helps renew childhood innocence and happiness you once had. Helping you see the world in an uplifting way with excitement.
  • Reminds us to be pure in intentions and remain humble in our deeds, words, thoughts, and actions
  • Helps us through periods of struggle and challenges that drain your energy and shift your mood.
  • Helps bring out optimism again
  • Helps you grow through soul lessons
  • Promotes process and momentum to become a better version of yourself
  • When this crystal comes into your life it’s time to shift into seeing the beauty surrounding you in the world

Jasper – Ocean

  • Heart Chakra Crystal
  • Ocean Jasper helps with relieving our stress and tension. 
  • Helps with uplifting feelings of relaxation reminding us we are safe and protected. 
  • Ocean Jasper inspires feelings of joy by aiding the release of negative emotions and thought patterns.
  • This Crystal is all about self care and taking a moment to yourself to relax
  • A stone that instills happiness

Jasper- Shelled

  • Shell Jasper is also known as Shell Marble
  •  Although Shell Jasper is marketed as jasper, it is actually marble
  • Shell Jasper is said to create serenity and satisfaction while providing stability and protection. 
  • It is said to offer vigor on the physical, emotional and mental plane which in turn helps people to establish a very practical & safe spiritual connection. 
  • Helps defend against oppression
  • Used for protection and grounding
  • Helps promote balance, relaxation and well being
  • Assists the gallbladder, liver, and stomach

 Jasper- Zebra

  • Motivates us to move out of situations where we feel stuck and see things more clearly.
  • Helps with decisions and moving in the right direction without overthinking
  • Encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living
  • Get out of your head and into your body
  • brings a sense of balance and harmony to the chaos of daily life
  • helps you overcome procrastination and increase your enthusiasm to finish projects and achieve your goals
  • Healing emotional problems is something that many of us work on our whole lives. Whether it’s trauma from childhood, a broken heart or bad habits, our emotional issues often keep us from being the people we wish to be.
  • It is known to lift the mood, foster optimism, create compassion and reduce stress and anxiety. If you’re facing roadblocks on your way to achieving your goals, then Zebra Jasper might be able to give you the extra boost of courage to keep on going.
  • This stone is thought to be especially helpful if your goals are financial in nature. making it a popular crystal for abundance in the form of money


Kaba Jasper-Coming soon



  • This is a healing, grounding, & protection crystal
  • Stimulates the throat, third eye, and crown chakras
  • Aides in your creativity and focus by connecting you to a higher consciousness
    • Helps with much-needed energy. Helps you with energy by charging your physical and soul energy
  • Provides motivation and clear vision of goals
    • Helps with gaining balance in your life in chaotic moments
    • Helps gain mental clarity
  • Helps release any kind of tension and anxiety. 
  • Known to stimulate mental clarity, helping you remove any fog and stay level headed
  • It’s a big stone for protection that helps repel negative energy and help you stay mentally aware. It empowers those who carry it to help keep lower vibrations away.
  • Helps calm nerves and release your inner power. Powerful healing stone and protection against unwanted energy.
  • Aides in your respiratory system & blood circulation
  • Their vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity
  • Boosts your spiritual gifts, enhances psychic abilities, and they have many healing properties.
  • Born from the storms of the Northern Lights and found in Canada’s Labrador region, the healing properties of this. Story behind it is from Inuits that said the northern lights got put into a stone to empower those 
    • Born from the storms of the Northern Lights and found in Canada’s Labrador region, the healing properties of this healing crystal are all about tapping into your own wonderful well of creativity and connecting with the higher consciousness. Story behind it is from Inuits that said the northern lights got put into a stone to empower those who have it.
    • Helps with gaining balance. It brings us to our center with our mind, body and hard to reach places of our soul.
    • It’s a stone that shows the way to self-soothing, artistic ambition, cosmic energy, and enhancing our own mental clarity
    • but it’s also a great stone for grounding in when it comes to physical healing.
  • Helps release any kind of tension and anxiety
  • Known to stimulate mental clarity, helping you to chase away the fog and stay level and concise in your own mind. Exactly the formula you need to make amazing decisions.
  • Connected to the Throat Chakra to help communication and the Third-Eye Chakra
  • It’s a big stone for protection that helps repel negative energy and help you stay mentally aware. It empowers those who carry it to help keep lower vibrations away.

*Lapis Lazuli:

  • Lapis Lazuli is known as the wisdom stone. Connected to the throat and 3rd eye chakras
  • Assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence
  • Bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions. 
  • Associated with strength and courage, royalty and wisdom, intellect and truth.
  • Provides protection from psychic attacks
  • Boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.It clears the throat and thyroid, best for those who suffer vocal issues and sore throats.
  • Helps treat skin issues, respiratory problems and brain disorders like ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, and autism.
  • Assists self awareness, retaining knowledge, providing peace and harmony, compassion, and promotes a good mood
  • Relieves anger and negative thoughts. 
  • Helpful for those who suffer emotional breakdowns, anxiety, and panic attacks.
  • Lapis lazuli stone connects your heart and mind. Creating a good flow of blood and calms your emotions. 
  • Spiritual properties can open your psychic abilities and empower your senses. It is a powerful stone that helps find your inner peace, intuition, and wisdom. 


    • A “stone of transition” connected to throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect
    • Lepidolite is believed to alleviate feelings of stress or nervous conditions while opening the mind and calming the higher self.
    • Helps break away from old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change.
    • Helps those with bipolar disorder because of its mind-balancing properties
    • It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.
    • Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.
    • Good for stabilizing emotions and hormones
    • Lepidolite is called the “peace stone” or “grandmother stone” because it is thought to have nurturing and calming properties. 
    • Aids in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions and all kinds of conditions, including anorexia.
    • It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.
    • Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA. 
    • Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. 
    • It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers.
  • Clears electromagnetic pollution. 
  • Strengthens the immune system & soothes the nervous system
  • Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension related disorders.
  • Aids in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions and all kinds of conditions, including anorexia. 


Moroccan amethyst:

  • Symbolizes balance and harmony that is achieved through spiritual evolution and growth. 
  • Amethyst is known as a protection stone.  It can protect one from physical and mental negativity in their environment.  
  • It can also assist in strengthening the immune system.
  •  Amethyst is a strong vibrational stone for the third eye and crown chakra as it transmutes negative energy into love. 
  • The moroccan amethyst has a softer, lighter energetic feel


  • A stone for “new beginnings”
  • Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength
  • It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. 
  • Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.





  • Third eye protection
  • This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. 
  • The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy and may boost precognition. 
  • It is a good action to cut or sever ties, to break negative attachments to people with whom you have been close. 
  • Obsidian’s energy creates a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts of others to assert power over us. 
  • helps us to uncover our unique skills and hidden talents whilst releasing blockages to our spiritual and personal growth.
  • It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies 
  • Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension

Obsidian- Golden Sheen

  • Obsidian’s energy creates a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts of others to assert power over us.
  •  It helps us to uncover our unique skills and hidden talents whilst releasing blockages to our spiritual and personal growth.

Obsidian- Silver Sheen

  • Kicks back any bad vibes or energy being sent your way
  • Helps gossip bounce away from you
  • Helps protect and stabilize outside energetic influences directed at you

*Obsidian- snowflake

  • A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. 
  • It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns. 
  • Promotes inner centering. Snowflake 
  • Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation.

*Ocean Jasper:

  • Heart Chakra Crystal
  • Ocean Jasper helps with relieving our stress and tension. 
  • Helps with uplifting feelings of relaxation reminding us we are safe and protected. 
  • Ocean Jasper inspires feelings of joy by aiding the release of negative emotions and thought patterns.
  • This Crystal is all about self care and taking a moment to yourself to relax
  • A stone that instills happiness

Orca Agate

Also known as Ocean agate the forgiveness stone

  • Orca Agate can heal any deep internal emotional wound, thus lending to its reputation as the Forgiveness Stone. 
  • deeply connected to communication and inner truth and can help one connect to their inner psyche and acknowledge hidden self-truths.
  • Aides process of self-communication and forgiveness
  • Frees its user from self-doubt and self-loathing, and promotes a gentle inner peace.
  • Helps provide clarity when making decisions, promotes a gentle inner peace, gives you the ability to acknowledge hidden self truths or reveal your inner truth, and releases you of self-doubt.
  • Gives you the courage to forgive yourself and let go of negative emotions like guilt, shame, anger, fear, blame etc.
  • Orca stone provides empowerment from within and teaches how to become better at controlling the outcome of your life by handling any problem that comes your way with confidence and skill.
  •  Assists with organizational skills, housekeeping, cleaning, repairing, and refurbishing anything; cleaning up the clutter!
  • Orca Stone is a stone of protection, deeply connected to the ocean. It enhances stability and helps you stay grounded in who you are, even during very difficult challenges
  • According to ancient texts, this powerful stone resonates with the throat chakra and was used as a tool for peace, healing, and meditation. Healers would use it to balance energies within their body and cleanse themselves spiritually. Orca stone was also thought to be extremely powerful because it can balance all 7 Chakras in the body.


*Peach Moonstone 

  • Heart & sacral chakra crystal
  • Brings soothing relief to emotional issues, such as depression or anger. 
  • Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations
  • emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children. 
  • It is associated with the moon and is believed to be a woman’s stone, worn for fertility and love.
  • Supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. 
  • Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations, and is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children.

Phoenix stone AKA Chrysocolla  (green & white)

  • Blue, white & green stone and is a combination of Malachite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla. 
  • Spiritually joins the heart and throat chakras. 
  • Balances Yin & Yang energies
  • Encourages telepathy between soulmates
  • It provides courage & emotional strength
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Dispels fears
  • Helps keep feelings such as hate and anger away
  • Helps with finding forgiveness

*Petrified Wood

  • Petrified wood can assist anyone who is feeling stuck or experiencing being frozen in time. 
  • It helps to create balance and offers a foundation from which to launch new goals or undertake a different path. 
  • Petrified wood is also a wonderful grounding stone. It helps to calm scattered energies.

*Pink Opal

  • Pink opal is a love stone with a deep connection to the Heart Chakra
  • Works to heal our emotions, allowing our hearts to open to love.
  • Pink Opal is often referred to as “The Stone of Resolution” as it works to heal our emotional wounds and deep hidden fears enabling us to resolve and let them go.


  • Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants.

  • helps promote physical well-being 

  • Stimulating the second and third chakras, pyrite enhances strength of mind and willpower.



*Red Jasper

  • Red Jasper is one of the best stones for grounding.
  • Directly connected to the root chakra
  • Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone. 
  • It can neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. 
  • Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy. 
  • Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations.
  • Red Jasper is the highly grounded stone connected to native energy and mother Gaia 
  • Helpful in healing and recovering from trauma experiences
  • Red Jasper is a stone of empowerment and courage
  • Brings strength to help you stand in your power and not be dominated over by others

*Red hematite /Fire Quartz

  • Helps release anger and break up tension in the body
  • helps boundary building and brings the nervous system into alignment
  • Emotionally and mentally, the hematite inclusions repel and remove negativity, provide optimism, will and courage. 
  • Produces physical energy and vitality. 
  • Spiritually, the red hematite energizes our etheric body and kundalini, balances yin-yang energies.
  • If you’re doing past life work this is the stone that you want to work with for that.
  • Especially helpful for those wanting more control over their energy. Clears away anxiety, mental distractions, fear, and doubt
  • Helpful for those with ADD and ADHD. Helps with grounding and balance when feeling scattered.
  • Psychic protection stone that assists in igniting your inner fire and connection
  • Fire quartz is a stone of courage, assisting you with the will to take action. It inspires confidence and strength, especially when you need to face difficult situations or make important decisions.
  • Helps you get through the tough times by bringing inspiration
  • A powerful Tool for Courage & Action
  • Fire Quartz is also an energy cleanser, removing old, stagnant energies from the body, and clearing away mental fog. 
  • Fire Quartz is an excellent stone to use in meditation. It stimulates energy flow, helping one access inner wisdom and intuition.
  • Fire Quartz is one of the most powerful energy stones available. Its energy is associated with the root chakra and sacral chakra. Fire Quartz is a stone of transformation, and it can help one face change and transformation


  • Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. 
  • It stimulates, clears and activates the heart.
  •  Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.
  • Helps with finding forgiveness

*Ruby Kyanite

  • A grounding crystal that helps you connect deeper in meditation
  • Connects you to higher vibrations
  • Helps break patterns of procrastination
  • Helps you rid your mind of unnecessary thoughts and ideas to stay on task and productive
  • Helps rejuvenate your energy and aura
  • Helps you break old habits and clear the path to your goals
  • Creates balance and protection from negative energies 

Rose Quartz:

  • Heart Chakra Crystal
  • It is the stone of universal love
  • It restores trust and harmony in relationships
  • Encourages unconditional love  & self care
  • Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, deep inner healing and feelings of peace
  • The stone of love designed to bring more love into your life
  • Deepens all your relationships by having you approach carrying the embrace of kindness, compassion, tenderness, and love toward yourself and those around you
  • When circumstances or other factors knock you off balance, the energy of the Rose quartz meaning can bring you back into your heart creating balance within yourself
  • Essential part of any self-love journey. It teaches you to love yourself first and foremost.

*Ruby Kyanite 

  • A phenomenal stone for aligning and energizing the entire Chakra field 
  • It strengthens our most positive traits while simultaneously dissolving negative energies
  • Ruby Kyanite offers protection and strength for shamanic journeying and astral travel, helping us to maintain a solid connection to our physical body while allowing our spirit to explore the spirit realms. 
  • It enhances lucid dreaming and dream recall
  • Great for manifestation.  
  • Ruby Kyanite helps us to pay closer attention to our spirit guides hearing their guidance better
  • Ruby Kyanite It is a stone of courage, clarity, and joyful passion. 
  • It helps us to understand and communicate our own emotional needs and with proper reactions. 
  • It can help us to see through our own misconceptions as well as through other people’s gaslighting.
  • Ruby Kyanite helps us to find our voice, follow our bliss, and be true to ourselves.
  • Ruby Kyanite is a wonderful stone for anything related to organization. It helps us to see things clearly and to understand the relationships between various items, ideas, people, and situations.
  • Ruby Kyanite combines the healing energies of Ruby and Kyanite.  Ruby is recommended for anyone who wants a healthier and happier life, while Kyanite is recommended for anyone who wants a more peaceful life.  
  • Ruby in Kyanite is a very complex stone that helps one ground and channel higher vibrations into this earthly plane. One’s root, solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras will become activated and connected. 
  • Helps eliminate any procrastination or excuses that could deter you from your goals. 
  • Helps adjust your focus as you rid your mind of any and all unnecessary thoughts and ideas.

*Ruby Zoisite

  • Heart, Root, and 3rd eye chakra
  • Aligns the root, heart and third eye chakras into the same vibrational frequency
  • offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. 
  • It stimulates the heart and helps one to open to divine love
  • Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat
  • Powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body’s defenses and healing mechanisms
  • Gives energy and passion
  • Promotes healthy equally balanced relationships & friendships
  • Stimulates vibrant energies that will boost the neural and energetic connection between your heart and your brain


*Golden Rutile

  • Golden Rutile links you to the Divine power.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz is a synergistic combination, bringing together the attunement, and acceleration of Rutile with the amplification of Clear Quartz or the grounding and strengthening influence of Smoky Quartz.
  • This is an excellent crystal for manifestation and is highly programmable.
  • Magnifies the energy of practically any intention or affirmation, with energy vibrating along the Rutile threads like electricity through wires.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz quickens the process of manifestation, intuition, emotional healing, psychic opening, consciousness expansion, and inter-dimensional travel. 
  • It assists us in attuning to our Higher Self and helps us know if someone or situation is not serving us.
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz grounds Light energy on the cellular level, illuminating our everyday lives, and assists in our attunement to the flow of graceful and divine action. 
  • Activates our creative energy and ability to receive celestial inspiration and spiritual knowledge
  • The energy aspects of Rutile promote strength and love. They facilitate transformation and growth in all areas of life.
  • Rutile calms the mind and brings order in the mental body. The color of Rutile is unusually black, but this stone can also be found in brownish and red tones.

Rutile- Copper

  • Golden Rutilated Quartz is a synergistic combination, bringing together the attunement, and acceleration of Rutile with the amplification of Clear Quartz or the grounding and strengthening influence of Smoky Quartz. This is an excellent crystal for manifestation and is highly programmable.
  • Silver Rutile will enhance your mental energy.
  • Green Rutile protects your mind.
  • Blue Rutile will balance your energy which promotes relaxation.
  • Golden Rutile links you to the Divine power.

Tourmaline Rutile

  • Black Rutile enhances your intuition.



  • Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace
  • Great for meditation or spiritual work
  • Excellent cleansing stone to help cleanse your office, other crystals, and jewelry from unwanted energy
  • Helps other crystals recharge their properties for use
  • Does not need recharging or cleansing
  • Assists with helping you see the bigger picture by removing confusion
  • Selenite is known for helping the spine and promoting flexibility
  • Helps release and break energy off of your aura
  • Helps with headaches and body aches
  • Helps release worry and anxiety, and to find calm in the midst of chaos.
  • Selenite clears away energy blockages, promoting mental clarity and inner peace
  • Brings awareness to your environment
  • Use Selenite to create a peaceful space in your home or workplace, or carry it with you when you need an extra boost of calmness and peace.
  • Calming stone brings deep peace

Smoky Quartz

  • Smoky Quartz is known for its main anchoring and grounding properties
  • Smoky Quartz represents the energy of the root chakra, allowing you to reconnect with your body and Nature
  • Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity
  • It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system
  • disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. 
  • Brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.
  • Highly protective crystal that is best worn within the aura at all times.
  • Protects against radiation and electromagnetic smog. 

Silver Sheen Obsidian

  • Great protection stone for you and your business
  • Sends away bad vibes and juju sent your way
  • Helps you shine brighter without being weighed down by negative energies
  • Reflects negative energy away from you
  • Helps with establishing healthy boundaries with people
  • Helps you sync your physical body to the astral layer
  • Promotes communication that is progressive for both parties
  • Helpful to release old habits and start fresh
  • Helps break away from painful addictions and cravings


  • It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings
  • Helps clear your mind and focus
  • Helps you verbalize your feelings correctly
  • Brings emotional balance and helps calm anxiety attacks
  • 3rd eye & throat chakra crystal
  • Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks
  • It enhances self-esteem
  • It encourages rational thought, truth and intuition
  • Helps prevent nightmares and sleep paralysis
  • A stone of peace
  • Helps you communicate with grace and be well spoken
  • This stone is good for writers helps you get your creative flow going and recover from writer’s block
  • Helps calm inflammation in the body


  • One of the worlds more rare and sought after gemstones. Which is why it is one of the world’s most expensive stones.
  • Works with the crown chakra 
  • Sugilite is believed to generate positive energy to protect against and overcome negative emotions and situations. 
  • Nurturing stone that offers release from worries.
  • Promotes positive emotions to help relieve stress, establish peace of mind and emotional healing.
  • Sugilite is a stone of forgiveness and fills your spirit with freedom from emotions tied to the past and pain.
  • Allows for better emotional connections on new levels to people and yourself
  • Sugilite is thought to be useful to enliven the crown chakra. Sugilite brings spiritual and unconditional love in through the crown and down to the base chakra by infusing the body with light. aligning all the chakras as it goes.
  • Allows for better emotional connections on new levels to people and yourself
  • This is a purifying and protective stone. Protecting you from negative energies in your daily environment.
  • Sugilite puts up a “shield of light” that will protect and cleanse any negative vibrations that may come your way
  • Sugilite is an aura cleansed and radiating light


  • Also known as a stone of joy
  • sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life
  • highly effective in cleansing auras and chakras
  • Sunstone is associated with the Base and Sacral Chakras.
  • This crystal’s bright, positive energy aligns your mind, body, and spirit with its high vibrations. If you’re stuck in a rut, working with the frequencies of the Sunstone meaning can awaken within you a fiery energy like that of the Sun.  
  • brings passion, excitement, and creativity back into your life when you’ve lost touch with those feelings. Whether you feel like you’re living on auto-pilot or you feel overcome with darkness, the Sunstone crystal shines a light on all the opportunities for happiness and joy that surround you.
  • Just as the sun rises each day, the Sunstone crystal can help you to find the bright side every day.  


*Tigers Eye:

  • Chakras: Connected to the root chakra and Solar plexus
  • A stone of protection & grounding
  • Tiger Eye brings good luck to those who wear it
  • Aides in mental clarity assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. 
  • Body: Helps with healing psychosomatic illnesses, anxiety, relieving stress, and high bottled up emotions.
  • Releases us from fear and anxiety, promotes harmony and balance within.
  • Releases you from fear and anxiety. 
  • Unclouds emotions which help pull you out of a slump, helps with motivation and willpower. 
  • Promotes harmony and balance within and in your surroundings

*Tigers Eye – Blue

  • 3rd eye and root chakra crystal
  • Soothing stone It 
  • Aides in reducing stress and anxiety while increasing a calm, peaceful feeling. 
  • Can help illuminate issues that may have been difficult for us to see.
  • Encourages emotional balance, aids in fatigue and depression
  • heals on a metabolic level
  • It can also alleviate eye problems that deal with the inability to focus.
  • Helps clear your mind’s eye

Tiger’s Eye – Red

  • Its focus on the lower chakras Solar plexus, Sacral and Root
  • Gives you the power to send higher energies through the organs of the lower half of the body.
  •  Red Tiger Eye aids in enhancing confidence and self-esteem.
  •  It provides motivation to the non-motivated and energizes those who are feeling lethargic.


    • Grounding stone connected to the Root Chakra
  • A healing, protection, and cleansing crystal
  • lifts dark into the light
  • Absorbs negative energy helping align & cleanse your energy 
  • Balances  the meridian system
  • Promotes inspiration and happiness
  • Reduces fear
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Removes blockages in your life
  • Aides in you understanding yourself on a deeper level
  • Superior relief from stress and anxiety 
  • Aides in you gaining emotional control
  • Mental benefits help your mind focus and balance easier
  • Helps you with balance with masculine and feminine energies
  • Relaxing effect on the muscles and nerves
  • Blue Tourmaline has a super-strong spiritual force that opens the Third Eye Chakra
  • Shamans believed that wearing a Tourmaline necklace fends off demonic spirits from attacking its wearer during ancient times
  • Tourmaline covers the home with an invisible protective cloak that wards off unwanted forces
  • Needs to cleansed often to help with negative energies it absorbs in each space


*Tourmaline Quartz

  • Balances opposite energies
  • Grounding
    • Tourmaline Quartz detoxifies the entire body and is used to treat disorders
  • Aides in the digestive tract
  • Tourmaline purifies one’s own energies and protects from negativity
  • Powerful shielding stone that returns unwanted energy to sender
  • Strengthens the body’s energy field against external invasion 
  • Releases tension
  • Helps to alleviate negative or hostile relationships and situations  
  • Tourmaline Quartz helps balance yin/yang energies
  • Helps with shadow work by alleviating self-sabotage 


  •  Pink Tourmaline assists with the release of emotional pain and old destructive feelings
  • Generates feelings of confidence and trust
  • Pink Tourmaline allows one to forgive the past and move forward in life with an open, trusting heart.


  • Purification stone clears negative energy
  • Protection stone and talisman for travel and protection from harm. This is why it was used often on horses and men with Squash blossoms for protection in war and on long journeys
  • Balances and aligns all chakras
  • Stabilizes mood swings
  • Great stone to help shift out of depression
  • Helpful for exhaustion and recharging your energy
  • Assists you with creative problem solving solutions



  • Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for scrying. 
  • stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together
  • It infuses your energy field with powerful gentle vibes that help you let go of the past so you can move forward with epic force
  • Helps you release painful memories
  • Helps you gain insight from your past to guide your future
  • Unakite helps you to get up and going again after a downfall 
  • Keeping a Unakite stone in your home will infuse your space with its grounding and stabilizing properties, bringing the elements of nature into your environment.



  • Yooperlite assists the throat chakra. It aides communication, creativity, and self-expression. 
  • A healing crystal that has been used for centuries to improve the body, mind, and spirit.
  • helps with a wide variety of issues stress relief, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. 
  • It is also said to improve sleep quality, increase energy levels, and boost the immune system. 
  • Has metaphysical properties that can help to promote clarity and understanding, as well as aiding in the ability to see the truth. 
  • Provides strength during times of change or upheaval.
  • Assists with your connection with the spiritual world
  • Can be used to attract positive energy into your life, or to protect you from negative energy.
  • The stone is also used to ease conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • helps you recover from colds, flus, and other ailments.
  • popular natural remedy for headaches and migraines.
  • If you’re feeling run down,  it’s said to help increase energy levels and vitality.
  • If you have trouble focusing, try keeping a piece of the stone with you while you work or study.
  • Helps increase creativity



*Zebra Jasper:

  • Motivates us to move out of situations where we feel stuck and see things more clearly.
  • Helps with decisions and moving in the right direction without overthinking
  • Encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living
  • Get out of your head and into your body
  • brings a sense of balance and harmony to the chaos of daily life
  • helps you overcome procrastination and increase your enthusiasm to finish projects and achieve your goals
  • Healing emotional problems is something that many of us work on our whole lives. Whether it’s trauma from childhood, a broken heart or bad habits, our emotional issues often keep us from being the people we wish to be.
  • It is known to lift the mood, foster optimism, create compassion and reduce stress and anxiety. If you’re facing roadblocks on your way to achieving your goals, then Zebra Jasper might be able to give you the extra boost of courage to keep on going.
  • This stone is thought to be especially helpful if your goals are financial in nature. making it a popular crystal for abundance in the form of money


White Sage

 helps cleanse the energy in a space

Bring in white energy and lighten the energy in an area

Promotes a calm, relax, and protected space

Blue Sage

Help dispel evil or lower level beings

Breaks up low vibrational energy in a space or on a person

Used in exorcisms and for the use of banning darker energy

Eucalyptus sage

Helps in manifesting rituals to help achieve your personal goals


Promotes healing

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