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XL labradorite palms - 1 individual palm
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XL labradorite palms - 1 individual palm
Product Details
- This is a healing, grounding, & protection crystal
- Stimulates the throat, third eye, and crown chakras
- Aides in your creativity and focus by connecting you to a higher consciousness
- Helps with much-needed energy. Helps you with energy by charging your physical and soul energy
- Provides motivation and clear vision of goals
- Helps with gaining balance in your life in chaotic moments
- Helps gain mental clarity
- Helps release any kind of tension and anxiety.
- Known to stimulate mental clarity, helping you remove any fog and stay level headed
- It’s a big stone for protection that helps repel negative energy and help you stay mentally aware. It empowers those who carry it to help keep lower vibrations away.
- Helps calm nerves and release your inner power. Powerful healing stone and protection against unwanted energy.
- Aides in your respiratory system & blood circulation
- Their vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity
- Boosts your spiritual gifts, enhances psychic abilities, and they have many healing properties.
- Born from the storms of the Northern Lights and found in Canada’s Labrador region, the healing properties of this. Story behind it is from Inuits that said the northern lights got put into a stone to empower those
- Born from the storms of the Northern Lights and found in Canada’s Labrador region, the healing properties of this healing crystal are all about tapping into your own wonderful well of creativity and connecting with the higher consciousness. Story behind it is from Inuits that said the northern lights got put into a stone to empower those who have it.
- Helps with gaining balance. It brings us to our center with our mind, body and hard to reach places of our soul.
- It’s a stone that shows the way to self-soothing, artistic ambition, cosmic energy, and enhancing our own mental clarity
- but it's also a great stone for grounding in when it comes to physical healing.
- Helps release any kind of tension and anxiety
- Known to stimulate mental clarity, helping you to chase away the fog and stay level and concise in your own mind. Exactly the formula you need to make amazing decisions.
- Connected to the Throat Chakra to help communication and the Third-Eye Chakra
- It’s a big stone for protection that helps repel negative energy and help you stay mentally aware. It empowers those who carry it to help keep lower vibrations away.
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