If you are feeling something more than the corona virus is going on then you are right! I will explain everything I’ve received below on what’s going on in our world in 2020.


It all started with a series of dreams. A pattern of religious dreams with my sister, myself, close friends, mentors of mine, and others I work with in the Mediumship field. In February of 2019 my sister called me telling me she had a dream. She said Satan said “I’m coming for your sister and We are going to tear down the empire she’s building”.  My sister normally would be nervous as she hates darker stuff that comes with being a Medium. The darker side has filled her Mediumship experiences since she was young to where she wants nothing to do with Mediumship. She said what surprised her was that she remembers laughing in his face. She woke up surprised she wasn’t even worried but just needed to give me the heads up. 


Then a few days after my sister’s dream a friend called who had dreams of being thrown in the Lions den like Daniel in the bible. He was watching people get eaten and yet he knew the lions weren’t going to eat him. Then that night I had one of the most intense dreams I can remember ever having. I was in a castle in medieval times but there was a TV playing a live horse race where people were dining and watching the horses race. I looked out the window to see men in white robes wearing a red cross racing a wagon up towards the castle I was in. Next thing you know there was screaming coming from the live broadcast. The men in white with the red crosses were taking people. There were 2-3 men per person that was trying to escape. I remember noticing no one else seemed to care or notice what was going on. There were two men mocking a woman that was cooking for everyone because she was falling asleep from exhaustion at the counter. I could hear screaming coming from the floors below and knew any minute the men would be entering into the room we were in. I quickly ran and hid behind the large doors so when they opened it I could be hidden until they left. I woke up with my arms still clenched tight beside me and my sheets covered in sweat. The following days I continued to connect with people asking about the weird religious dreams they had been having or had.



I started getting really odd messages in my daily meditation and channeling. Sayings like “Century old energy closing out”,” energetic rebirth of earth”, “ global cleansing”,  “old pathways closing for new pathways to open” & “ Find happiness at home with family & comfort there in solitude”. As the months went on into this year the messages started shifting to “Eat high vibration foods”,“ Eat greens lots of greens for balance and endurance”, “hidden coding in the bible”, “ You must stand strong and be well balanced within”, “ you are being called to be a guiding light” and “You must create a calm through the storm”. Confused I dismissed it as I was tired or they needed me to be more aware of my mindset. Until my anxiety started really picking up in which this will happen before something major happens. I would connect in during meditation and feel the calm of it’ll all be okay. I relied on that over any other anxiety driven thoughts and started pulling back into solitude. When my mind would start down that path of fearful thoughts I’d check in and feel the calm come over me again.


I started noticing more chaotic or lower level Spirits were dropping in my house randomly and Angels. I started being able to see movement in the air constantly. I was seeing Spirits of humans and even animals on a daily basis out of the corner of my eye. Some even looking straight at them. I started getting woken up from Spirits almost nightly (which hasn’t been an issue in years). I’d sage my home and the thick energies would return within 10 minutes. I started getting drawn to research the history of certain religious wars and events. I started noticing certain bible verses getting repeated around me. I decided to reach out to two trusted colleagues who I know get it. You know the super cray cray stuff that most won’t understand what we are talking about. The stuff that makes us seem we’ve totally lost it mentally. I asked if they felt there was some sort of Spiritual battle going on energetically on earth. Both of them knew exactly what I was talking about and they were having the same experiences. None of us said anything because they were trying to process and understand what was going on. I just started getting used to the new norm of this crazy activity being present and went on about my weeks ignoring the chaos.


Then Covid 19 hit the US I had a weird relief come over me that everything will be ok and the feeling you’ve been preparing. I actually went into quarantine early since I had the flu twice and strep throat in February.  I’ve journaled daily and spent a lot of time alone trying to process all these messages. Each day more and more of the big picture was becoming clear. I finally connected into understanding Spirit and they explained a lot of what’s going on.  


They said it began the process in 2019 they needed to remove many of our “safety nets” to put us in a place to be open to deep reflection. If you look at 2019 there were a lot of patterns going on where people had many things removed from their lives unexpectedly or major changes happened that you couldn’t have prepared for. Friendships ending, jobs ending, many deaths, and so on. I noticed this pattern in many of my clients lives as well and my own. 2019 was a really intense year where I challenged in may ways mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. A lot of unexpected changes took place in my life but I know now it was for my highest good. 


What they told me through many days of meditation was that it’s a closing out of energy left on earth. A cleansing of these layers of residual, historic energy, loops of energy left from humans, and stagnant energy that has built up through the years. These energetic trails were affecting many humans as a whole and bringing on more depression, anxiety, and health issues. They said it’s a shift that’s taking place on earth where it’s altering the vibration levels to a more elevated state to help humanity get back on track. The darker energies that have been lurking, wreaking havoc, and creating issues are being lifted from the earth and being handled. The earth is being cleansed from what is no longer benefiting humanity. The balance is being restored. There’s been too much division and pointless arguments going on amongst everyone. The human egos were taking over and as a whole we were becoming more divided and distracted. With religious groups even ones of the same faith disputing minor differences. The individual churches and places of worship that were debating land, property, and competing for people. Disputes over which version of the bible is best or most accurate. The United States creating more division between Republicians and  democrats as if everything is just black and white. The media stations pushing false news, triggering a fear based society & hiding their political agenda behind what they share. The TV shows and movies becoming mainly driven by materialistic things and setting unrealistic standards with each new show growing farther from authenticity. The idolising of stars, public figures, and anyone in the spotlight. Idolising to the point that criminal acts are being covered up and their true nature concealed. People don’t like who they are anymore they mimic these false examples of what’s a perfect person or life. Many live through others vicariously so often they can’t see their own blessings, it’s never enough. The spiritual communities becoming divided over who’s truly doing good work, who is worthy of these abilities, what experiences are real,  what levels of dimensions there are, who is truly pure, or who is from this star system. You get my point.


They are taking advantage of this time where we are at a resting period. They are doing work with many of us by teaching us to align with what is important and what matters. Not the superficial things humans have adapted to and started using to divide from what truly matters like family, quality time, rest, peace within, and feeling content with what we have. This is a period of resetting each of us internally and bringing on more appreciation for a lot we took for granted. It’s a healing point for mother earth and all the damage we’ve been doing to the ecosystem. It’s a walk of blind faith for all us to reconnect to God & Angels. All Lightworkers those with a pure heart are being called to stand strong and be the calm through this storm. We are being called to help provide healing and support to those who need it most.  Those who have lost a loved one or losing a loved one to this virus. We are supposed to bring back unity and peace to the world. 


For those who are wanting to help this shift and feeling you are being called YOU ARE! How you can help this shift is by

Keeping your vibration high by taking care of your body right now. Eat right and plenty of green vegetables. 

Spend time with yourself getting to know yourself again. Spend time in self reflection and healing old wounds.

Keep a positive mindset and stay optimistic about the changes. Avoid the news or anything that’s causing you to feel more nervous, worried or anxiety driven.

Help others out by helping make sure their needs are met, donate food, clothes, or things others may need more than you. 

Connect to your creative side again. Spend time reading, writing, doing art and getting your creative juices flowing. 

Just breathe, stay calm, relaxed, and know you matter and are here now for a reason. Have faith through all the unknowns right now. 


We can conquer this best together by loving each other through it. Let’s all reunite and kick off this new energy taking things back in the right direction. 


Much love, Jessica



Two of the most recurring bible verses I was receiving

Isiah 26:20

Go my people enter your chambers, shut the doors behind you. Hide yourself until my wrath has passed by. The Lord is coming out of his chambers to punish the inhabitants for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,  and will no more cover it’s slain.


Proverbs 3:5

Trust the Lord with all of your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding.


6 Thoughts to “What in the World 2020?”

  1. I hope you enjoyed!

  2. Soluna

    Luv u. Thanks for sharing. I have had some messages as well.

  3. Lovenlight74

    Thank you for sharing this? It all makes sense.

  4. You’re so welcome! Thank you for the feedback!

  5. 🙂 I’m glad it resonated with you

  6. Donna Spencer

    I agree with all of this!

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